Friday, November 4, 2011

All about SCD...why and how?

 I have not discovered the diet. Hence I will not go on and on about the topic.
But let me share with you my own experience. I and my family have benefited immensely from the diet. I had some serious digestive issues which are better now( I am sure they will go away completely one day), the puffiness of the glands on my face is also under control and I have more energy than ever, I feel younger :). My body feels so much better. The mid-day headaches and fatigue are gone. The intense craving for sugar is also gone. I never imagined I could get back to this state of health just by changing my eating habits. I follow the SCD diet and I eat only organic food. Added benefit, it keeps my weight under control.

If you want to know more about the diet please visit the website below:

It is a diet intended mainly for Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, Celiac disease, Diverticulitis, Cystic fibrosis, chronic diarrhea ,Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Autism, ADHD and many other neurological problems. However it is a very healthy, balanced and safe diet that has health benefits for everyone. 

The Specific Carbohydrate Diet™ is based on the principle that specifically selected carbohydrates, requiring minimal digestive processes, are well absorbed and leave virtually none to be used for furthering microbial overgrowth in the intestine. As the microbial population decreases due to lack of food, its harmful byproducts also decrease, freeing the intestinal surface of injurious substances.
To read more about the science behind the diet. Click here.

To find out foods that are allowed/not allowed in SCD diet, Click here.

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